12 Días / 11 Noches
Este circuito ofrece espectaculares vistas panorámicas de la Cordillera Blanca y de los picos más altos del trópico.
En el camino observamos comunidades nativas y restos arqueológicos pre-incaicos e incas. Mientras disfrutamos de la colorida flora altoandina, aprendemos sobre el uso de estas plantas como medicina por parte de la población local.
Admiramos la vista del Huascarán (6768 m), Chopicallqui (6354 m), Huandoys (6395 m; 6356 m; 6166 m; 6070 m), Hualcán (6122 m), Chinchey (6222 m), Palcaraju (6274 m), y Tocllaraju (6034 m).
After a relaxing breakfast we return to Lima, carrying with us unforgettable memories. Transfer to the bus station from Huaraz to Lima.
Cuando arme su maleta, no olvide empacar:
Full Day
Get ready for the adventure of flying in a magical place, a place where the desert meets the ocean… Flying in Paracas, you feel on another planet.
The vastness of the desert gives you a sense of peace and harmony. From the air, everything looks different. You will see the waves lapping the walls of the cliff, birds flying next to you. It’s an experience you can not stop living your visit to Paracas.
Full Day
Full day
Paracas is one of the 3 best places to learn this sport in the world.
Put on your equipment and dare to “fly” over the sea. Feel freer than ever!
Full day
04 Days/03 Nights
The real Inca Trail is a walking route that leads through the mountains above the Urubamba river, following (at least partly) the course of an old Inca roadway leading to the city of Machu Picchu. The various ruins along the way serve to heighten the hiker’s sense of anticipation as you approach the amazing Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu.
The Inca Trail, with Machu Picchu as it’s final destination, is the best known and most popular hike among tourists. The total hike is about 45 kms and it takes four days all together, including a one day visit to the ruins.
The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is beyond a doubt one of the most beautiful trails in America and also it gives you an unforgettable experience not to be missed. The Inca trail leads through the protected wild nature of the peruvian jungle and forest steppe, passes several archeological Inca sights and offers impressive views. The Incas used this itinerary for their pilgrimage to the sacred citadel Machu Picchu.
Route: Closed in February
04 Days/03 Nights
Av. Camino Real N° 111 Office 205 Second Floor San Isidro, Lima - Perú
Av. Primavera 543 4to.piso Chacarilla del Estanque - San Borja
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