3 mountain trek: Los Cedros, Alpamayo and Santa Cruz

Caminata a Los Cedros – Alpamayo – Colcabamba – Ulta

3 mountain trek: Los Cedros, Alpamayo and Santa Cruz

12 Días / 11 Noches

Este circuito ofrece espectaculares vistas panorámicas de la Cordillera Blanca y de los picos más altos del trópico.

En el camino observamos comunidades nativas y restos arqueológicos pre-incaicos e incas. Mientras disfrutamos de la colorida flora altoandina, aprendemos sobre el uso de estas plantas como medicina por parte de la población local.

Admiramos la vista del Huascarán (6768 m), Chopicallqui (6354 m), Huandoys (6395 m; 6356 m; 6166 m; 6070 m), Hualcán (6122 m), Chinchey (6222 m), Palcaraju (6274 m), y Tocllaraju (6034 m).


Travel in a regular bus from Lima to Huaraz, takes us via the Pan American Highway along the Pacific Ocean coast, across sand deserts and through coastal valleys to Pativilca. Here we take the Pativilca – Huaraz Highway and drive up into the Andes until we reach Conococha Lake (4,100 m.a.s.l).
Scenic mountains capes announce our arrival to the Callejón de Huaylas Valley between the Cordillera Negra (Black Mountain Range) and the Cordillera Blanca. We continue to Huaraz (3,100 m.a.s.l), the “Capital of Mountaineering and International Friendship.” We stayed overnight at our hotel in Huaraz City.
We drive along the Callejón de Huaylas Valley admiring picturesque villages and the magnificent scenery of the Cordillera Blanca encompassing Peru’s highest tropical peaks, among them Huascarán (6,768 m.a.s.l) and Huandoy (6,395 m.a.s.l). We arrived at Molinopampa at the beginning of the Pato Canyon. We start our hike in Hualcallan village and continue across the archaeological site Huallcallan and to arrive at Huishcash, where we camp (4,250 m.a.s.l).
Lunch and dinner included.
After breakfast, we hiked along the pre inca way toward Cullicocha Lakes (4,625 m.a.s.l). We enjoy the astonishing panoramic view of Santa Cruz iced peak (6,259 m.a.s.l). We continue to Cullicocha Pass (4,850 ma.s.l). Excellent view of Milluacocha iced peak (5,480 ma.s.l), on the way we enjoy the view of ancient pre inca terraces.
Our camp is set at 4,800 m.a.s.l.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.


Today we climb in the Alpamayo gorge. On the other side of the river once again we see ancient agricultural terraces. We continue our ascent along Alpamayo River until we arrive at base camp of Alpamayo.
We camp at 4,600 m.a.s.l. From here we visit Jancarurish lake, and we enjoy the astonishing panoramic view of Alpamayo iced peak, the most beautiful mount.
In the afternoon we rest in our camp site.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
We ascend the Karakara pass (4,830 m.a.s.l). Spectacular view of some iced peaks such as Quitaraju (6,036 m.s.n.m), Santa Cruz, Alpamayo, Jancarurish (5,578 m.s.n.m) y Tayapampa (5,657 m.a.s.l). We descend afterwards to the Mayobamba Gorge, and climb to Mesapata pass (4,500 m.a.s.l). We enjoy the view of the iced peaks group of Pucahirca (6,100 m.a.s.l), and the beautiful east side of Alpamayo.
We descend to the Tayapampa gorge until we arrive at Huillca camp site at 4,000 m.a.s.l.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
This morning we ascended the Yanajanca pass (4,600 m.a.s.l) hiking along Sactaycocha Lake, and descending to the Jancapampa gorge where we camp (3500 m).
Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Today we crossed the typical Andean village of Pingospampa, and we climbed the Tupa tupa pass (4,400 m.a.s.l). We observe the iced peaks of Taulliraju (5,850 m.a.s.l) and Pucahirca. We descend to the Quisuar gorge to the Huecrococha lake where we set up our campsite (3950 m).
Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
We ascend the Alto Pucaraju pass (4,650 m.a.s.l) admiring the peaks such as Taulliraju, Paria and Chacraraju. Then we descend along the ancient pre inka way until Tuctu where we set up our campsite at 4,150 m.a.s.l.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
We climb up the trail carved by Pre-Inca people on the rocky walls of Taulliraju Peak (5,830 m.a.s.l) until we arrive at Punta Unión Pass (4,750 m.a.s.l). The impressive stone walls of Taulliraju Peak above Taullicocha Lake, Piramide de Garcilazo, Artezonraju, Pucahirca and Quitaraju, dominate the panorama.
We camp in Taullipampa. (4,250 m.a.s.l).
Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
We climb up at Arhuaycocha Lake (4,450 m.a.s.l) enjoying the magnificent view of Alpamayo Peak (5,947 m.a.s.l), observing also the iced peaks of Artesonraju, Paria, Quitaraju and Pukajirca. A glimpse of the rocky, iced and fluted south face of Alpamayo Peak (5947 m) in all its rugged grandeur is a feast for the eyes. Then, we continue hiking along Jatuncocha and Ichic cocha lakes (3850 m.a.s.l) and set up camp at Llama Corral (3760 m.a.s.l).
Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
The trail down the deep Santa Cruz Canyon provides us with opportunities to appreciate various vegetation ecosystems as we pass from areas with high altitude plants to tracts with tropical species such as bromeliads and orchids covering the granite walls. The rocky the silhouette of the Cordillera Negra on the horizon announces our approach to Cashapampa Village (2900 m.a.s.l), from where we transfer to Huaraz and to our hotel.
Breakfast and lunch included.

After a relaxing breakfast we return to Lima, carrying with us unforgettable memories. Transfer to the bus station from Huaraz to Lima.

What’s included:

  • Hotel en Huaraz.
  • Traslado Lima – Huaraz – Lima en bus regular (buses sin paradas con aire acondicionado, baño químico, TV, almuerzo a bordo, azafata).
  • Traslados en coche privado en Huaraz: estación de autobuses – hotel – estación de autobuses.
  • Traslados en coche privado a todos los puntos de partida y de regreso a/desde los destinos de senderismo.
  • Guía de trekking bilingüe.
  • Servicios de trekking de primera clase: Cocinero y comida completa en la montaña, según programa.
  • Burros y conductores de burros, y un caballo.
  • Tiendas de campaña para dormir (para 2 o 3 personas cada una), cocina, comedor y aseo.
  • Colchón de aire.
  • Todo el equipo de cocina y comedor.
  • Botiquín de primeros auxilios para el grupo.
  • Entradas al Parque Nacional.
  • A la vuelta de Huaraz traslado de la estación de autobuses al hotel o al aeropuerto.

Not included:

  • Hoteles en Lima.
  • Cenas en la ciudad.
  • Gastos personales: material de acampada, equipo específico de medicinas, llamadas telefónicas, comidas extras, bebidas, propinas y otros de carácter personal.


Cuando arme su maleta, no olvide empacar:

  • Mochila con protección contra la lluvia.
  • Saco de dormir.
  • Ropa para climas cálidos y fríos como una chaqueta impermeable.
  • Pantalones para la lluvia y pantalones ligeros.
  • Zapatos de trekking.
  • Zapatillas o sandalias (para las duchas).
  • Calcetines de lana o sintéticos y un jersey.
  • Polos/camisetas de manga larga y corta.
  • Poncho para la lluvia y un sombrero.
  • Protector solar, repelente de insectos, alcohol y gel desinfectante.
  • Botella de agua y pastillas esterilizadoras, artículos de aseo y papel higiénico.
  • Cámara (envuelta en una bolsa de plástico).
  • Linterna y pilas.
  • Algunos snacks como barritas de chocolate y frutos secos.
  • Pasaporte original, tarjeta de estudiante ISIC original y dinero extra en soles.
  • Como el tiempo puede ser muy frío y húmedo, tu ropa, una vez mojada, no se secará por la noche. Así que lleva algo de ropa para cambiarte.

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